Dixie Stampede Coupons
If you are wanting to make sure that you get the best value for what you spend on your Smoky Mountain vacation use this link to get Dixie Stampede Coupons printed before your trip. So why plan on going to the Dixie Stampede for the best value, you will get a great four course Dinner while being entertained for approximately two hours, as they say it is the most fun place to eat in the Smokies, and don’t forget those coupons!
Buy Dixie Stampede Tickets
Go ahead and buy your Dixie Stampede tickets! When you buy your tickets with us, you’ll be offered a free cancellation which isn’t available on most Dixie Stampede ticket purchases!
About Dixie Stampede
If you have never been to the Dixie Stampede before you will get to find out very quickly why they call it a stampede and you will get to jump right in and not only enjoy being entertained but also enjoy being a part of the entertainment. When you get your tickets you will need to let them know if you would like to be seated on the North side or the South side – this is more than which side of the arena that you will be sitting but it is which side that you will be cheering for in the competitions that are a part of the show. With the North and the South referring to the way the states were divided for the Confederate War. Most of the competitions involve showcase animals and performers with a wide variety of talents from trick horse ridding, musical talent, and comedy.
You will want to come early and extend your entertainment time at no additional cost. Before the show begins you will see some of the showcase horse in the stables to the side of the main entrance where you can get an up close look at their beauty. Also before the main show begins there will be entertainment in an area set up to resemble an old time saloon with musical talent and comedy from a Bluegrass and Country band called Mountain Rukus.
The Dixe Stampede is completely family friendly and the crowd will consist of a very varied age range. If you want to be selected as one of the few audience members that will get to participate in the show or if your child would want to be sure that you are wearing closed toed secure fitting shoes and try to get the attention of the host seating you to get selected early.